Practices To Transform Your Life Through Subconscious Reprogramming 

Change your mind to change your life. It’s not always that simple, I know.

Real change happens when you understand your limiting beliefs and blocks, address your subconscious programming, change the narrative, and adjust your thoughts, words, and actions accordingly.

I’ve been fascinated by the capabilities of our minds since stumbling across the book “The Power of the Subconscious Mind” by Dr. Joseph Murphy years ago. It truly changed my life.

It’s thrilling to learn that you have more power over your circumstances than you might believe, and it all starts within.

Everyone’s journey is different, and so many tools are available today to help assist you with the inner work.

Here are some of the most influential practices that have helped me transform my life for the better:

Prayer and Gratitude:

Even if you are going through the hardest season of your life, you can find at least 100 things to be grateful for in this moment.

Instead of always asking God for something when you are praying, why don’t you take some time to really thank Him for your journey and all of your blessings?

Recognize that He is strategic in every season. That He is so good. That He wants the best for you. That life is beautiful. 

Speak out loud what you are grateful for. Take time to write it out on paper. It shifts your perspective.

Something I love to do is when I’m driving in the mornings, I love to proclaim

“Thank you God for the day. Today is an amazing day. Today is the best day of my life!”

even when I have no idea what the day has in store for me. Even if something has already gone wrong.

Feel and believe it in your core, that something amazing will happen to you. After time you may find that more positive things start to happen around you. 

Gratitude has so many benefits for your mind and body. Take the time to give thanks every single day.


The power of life and death is in the tongue! 

You have over 70,000 thoughts a day. How many of them are positive, pure, life-giving?

It would be tough to keep a record of every single thought that went through your brain, but it is easier to review the words you hear yourself speak. Everything you say was once a thought.

Try an experiment of catching your thoughts when spiraling, reframing your mindset, and instead of saying what negative thing you are thinking, speak positively about the situation. 

I’m not saying that you should deny the current reality that you are experiencing. What I am saying is that you should try to view what you’re going through in a positive way. You are learning from your experience, you are getting stronger, you are building character. 

Youtube is a great resource for positive affirmations for whatever it is that you want to focus on- self esteem, health, finances, business, overall wellbeing, etc. Try sticking to them for 30 days (first thing in the morning) and see how your mindset shifts.

Saying affirmations out loud might feel uncomfortable at first. Notice how you feel when affirming certain things, and if you are feeling like you don’t truly believe what you are voicing, you might need to do some deeper reprogramming work.

Listening to High Frequency Music:

What is Sound Healing?

“Music and sound are useful for enhancing therapies to transform the brain and relieve mental, emotional, and physical suffering.” 

Benefits of Sound Healing:

  1. Stimulate healing

  2. Promote vitality

  3. Improve sleep

  4. Bring the body back to it’s natural state of peace

Did you know that rock music is worse for healing and regeneration of the body, while solfeggio frequencies or classical music have positive effects? Don’t shoot the messenger.

This article goes in depth about Solfeggio Frequencies, the different HZ and what they help with.

Whenever I am feeling stressed or overwhelmed, or just need an energetic cleanse, I play this playlist and it helps me feel so much more better.

Vision boards/ Writing out Goals Regularly/ Dreamscaping

If you are not clear about where you want to go, how will you get there?

Vision boards are essentially physical representations of what you would like a future version of your life to look. There are different ways to create them- from physically cutting out clips from magazines or printing out photos online, to creating a digital version on Canva using photos from Pinterest. 

Find photos or words that inspire you, put them on a poster, and put it somewhere that you will see it. Or you can save the digital version as your lock screen on your phone or computer. 

Last year I made a binder version, separated into sections (ie: health, work, fun, etc,) and then on the back side of each page, I wrote out my specific goals and how I would get there. You don’t have to go that deep, but it helped me really get into the feeling of achieving those goals.

It’s fun going back at the end of the year and seeing what you crossed off your list, and how your goals may have changed. 

If you do not truly believe that you can accomplish the goals that you have set out for yourself, I recommend doing a deeper dive into your blocks and practicing subconscious work to see where and why you are holding yourself back. 

Deep Subconscious Work

Did you know that your subconscious mind runs 95% of your brain? Most of your thoughts, habits, emotions, etc are run by old programming that has been established in childhood.

Conscious Mind: This is the part of our mind that we are aware of and actively use. It helps us think, make decisions, and take deliberate actions.

Subconscious Mind: This is the part of our mind that operates below our awareness. It handles automatic thoughts, habits, beliefs, emotions, and memories. It influences our behavior and reactions without us always realizing it.

I believe that God gives you resources and has designed the mind beautifully so that you can take full advantage of it and use it to change your life. There are so many resources about how your subconscious mind affects everything, and I can create a list of my favorite books later, but here is one to start-

Read: Power of the subconscious mind by Dr. Joseph Murphy. Changed my life. Simplifies abstract concepts and how to use them in your daily life.

Dr. Joe Dispenza meditations

Dr. Joe Dispenza teaches how your personal reality has been created through years of practicing the same thoughts and beliefs, and that if you are feeling stuck, you have the power to change the narrative through subconscious work.

He studied biochemistry and neuroscience so everything that he teaches is science backed. Fascinating work. 

Recognize deep seated beliefs that are holding you back and reprogram them.

It’s not secret that you have been programmed since the day that you were born. As a child, your mind is a sponge and most ideas modeled before the age of 7 are embedded into your subconscious mind. As you get older, you are influenced by your outer environment and adopt many of the beliefs of those around you. While many of these can be positive, there may be beliefs that you have adopted that have been holding you back, such as victim mentality, fear of poverty, fear of failure, fear of success, low self worth, judgment, etc. As you become an adult and take accountability for you life, it is crucial that you audit the beliefs that you may have unconsciously adopted through your life. 

Look up how to remove subconscious blocks on Youtube. 


Before I was educated on the subject, I just thought hypnosis was silly, something that was done for entertainment at public events. I never considered that it could be used for healing.

What it essentially does is bypass the conscious mind to access the subconscious mind, where most of your programs are created and stored. This is where trauma, beliefs, and blocks are located. By taking part in hypnosis by a professional or self hypnosis (do your research), you give your mind a chance to transmute old traumas from childhood or toxic beliefs that may be holding you back and reprogram your mind for healing and success.

People have quit smoking, killed sugar cravings, and OCD through hypnosis.

Marissa Peer is one of my favorite hypnotists on Youtube. Through her years as a therapist, she developed Rapid Transformation Therapy (RTT) that combines Hypnotherapy, NLP, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and Psychotherapy to quickly and efficiently get to the root of your blocks.


Visualization is powerful tool!! Along the lines of subconscious programming, you have the ability to control what goes into your mind. 

One way I practice this is finding images online on Pinterest or VSCO that inspire me and the life that I’d like to live, and save those in a folder. Later I can create a collage or video or the images to look at before bed or upon waking, when our subconscious minds are relaxed and primed to be programmed. 

I will visualize myself in my ideal state- my happiest, healthiest, most peaceful, most productive self. Your brain actually doesn’t know the difference between a real and perceived experience if you are in the emotion of it. (Also why it’s so important to catch yourself when in a negative spiral). 

Read the articles down below for more science behind visualization is sports and business. 

Tony Robbins Article

Visualization and Athletic Performance

Here is some information on the 5 types of brain waves:

Theta Waves vs Other Waves

Brain In Hypnosis

I would be doing you a disservice if I didn’t share these, so I hope you learned something new, or are open to trying something new. 

This will not change your life overnight. It took years to program your mind, and it can take years to reprogram it. It can also happen much quicker than you think. Be patient with yourself. Stay curious, consistent, and document your findings to look back on.

What are some things that have changed your life positively? 

xx, Nat 


These are my personal opinions and experiences. What worked for me may not work for you. I am not a medical professional. Just an amateur scientist. Please do your own research.


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